Copenhagen Strand

Nordic light and discreet luxury at the waterfront.

Parking | Photo by: jarmoluk | Source: Pixabay

Sankt Annæ Pl. 32, 1250 København
You also have the possibility of parking in a supervised car park 600 metres from our hotel by the Royal Danish Theatre’s Playhouse. Our hotel can offer you a special price of DKK 250,- per day (24 hours). The tickets are sold at the reception.


Finding a parking spot in Copenhagen can often feel hopeless. That's why we've made it easy for you and gathered the best parking options for your stay, so you can easily find a spot close to the hotel.

Parking garage

If you're bringing your car for your stay at Copenhagen Strand, we offer a special rate for 24-hour parking in Jeudan's monitored parking garage on Sankt Annæ Pl. (link in Danish), which is 550 meters from the hotel. Please note that the vehicle must not exceed a clearance height of 2.10 meters.

To receive our special rate, payment must be made at the hotel's reception. We recommend that you stop by the reception before parking to ensure we can provide you with the best guidance possible.

However, it is possible to park your car and register the parking afterwards at the reception.

Special price:   (regular price  )

Note: We reserve the right to change prices at Jeudan.

Electric car charging in the parking garage

The parking garage has more than 100 Clever charging points.

See the current kWh price at Clever (link in Danish)

The charging is managed via Clever’s app.

Download the app to your smartphone (link in Danish)

Street parking

There are also good options for parking on the streets around the hotel.

Please be aware that from Saturday after 5PM to Monday at 8AM, as well as on public holidays, it is free to park on the streets in Copenhagen.

Price: Prices for parking on public parking spaces depend on the payment zone

Read more about prices and parking zones

Electric car charging on the street

The City of Copenhagen has created a digital map where you can see all the charging stations in the area around the hotel. The charging stations are operated by Clever or E.ON.

Copenhagen Strand is located at the red dot.

See map with charging stations (map in Danish)

Disabled parking

Parking spaces are available in the area around the hotel.

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